更多的父母专注事业发展,追求成功的雄心从职场回流到家庭。越来越多的“足球妈妈”(指投入大量时间带孩子进行体育、音乐等特长培训的母亲。——译者注)和“直升机家长”(指对孩子的所有事情都要干涉的家长。——译者注)争相给孩子打造漂亮的简历。这个时期还有蔡美儿(Amy Chua)的《虎妈战歌》(Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother)等著作,推崇重点培养学术和音乐才能的育儿方式。2019年的大学招生贿赂丑闻揭示出部分家长想走捷径,富裕家庭用欺诈手段将孩子送进一流大学。
With more parents working and focusing on professional achievement, the drive to be successful seemed to bleed from work into home. Increasingly, hands-on “soccer moms” and “helicopter parents” scrambled to burnish their children’s résumés. This era also included the publication of books like Amy Chua’s Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, which promoted the concept of parenting with a laser focus on academic and musical success. Some parents looked for shortcuts, as the 2019 college admissions bribery scandal showed, with wealthy parents using fraudulent means to help their children get into top-tier universities.
珍妮弗·特雷格(Jennifer Traig) | 文
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