杏仁核劫持 / Amygdala Hijack

2022年12月21日 09:03  









Pause the pattern. 



Anxiety is often preceded by physical symptoms. Learn to recognize your physical cues of an impending attack: a churning stomach, sweaty palms, or flaring nostrils. These reactions are part of an amygdala hijack, causing your body to react with a fight-or-flight response instead of operating from your thinking brain. When you notice these reactions, consciously change your activities. Engage the thinking part of your brain, for instance, by doing math. But not something as simple as 2+2; try something that will challenge you enough to divert your brain away from your stressor.



How Anxiety Traps Us, and How We Can Break Free

萨宾娜·纳瓦兹(Sabina Nawaz)| 文

马冰仑 丨编辑 
