突破性创新 / Breakthrough Innovation

2023年04月20日 09:58  




Breakthrough innovation is defined as an innovation from inside a company that pushes something to the next level. It is innovation that opens the company to new markets or changes the way customers interact with the market or the industry.





It's important to define exactly what we mean by “breakthrough innovation.” We use two criteria. The first is discontinuity. Breakthroughs embody leaps in the principles of science, technology, design, economics, and other knowledge domains and establish new paradigms for future innovation by changing what is expected or considered possible. Honda's light-jet design was a breakthrough because it was the first to use an engine-over-the-wing configuration, which, until Honda did it, was considered aerodynamically infeasible on a small aircraft. Not all breakthroughs are purely scientific or technological, of course. Google's search engine was a technological breakthrough, but the company's cost-per-click pricing method led to a business model innovation that totally upended the economics of the advertising industry.




The second criterion is value. Breakthroughs generate new sources of value by solving important problems or creating demand that did not exist previously. Digital cameras may have killed the film photography business, but today vastly more photos are taken digitally than were ever taken with film. Furthermore, considering that digital images have become an integral part of social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, digital photography has created tremendous economic value.


以上文字选自  What evolution can teach us about innovation

努巴·阿费扬(Noubar Afeyan)  盖里·皮萨诺(Gary P. Pisano)| 文
