隐性知识 / Tacit Knowledge

2023年06月20日 09:44  



根据知识能否清晰地表述和有效的转移,可以把知识分为显性知识(Explicit Knowledge)和隐性知识(Tacit Knowledge)。


隐性知识是迈克尔·波兰尼(Michael Polanyi)在1958年从哲学领域提出的概念。波兰尼认为显性知识通常被描述为知识,即以书面文字、图表和数学公式加以表述。隐性知识是未被表述的知识,是我们在做某事的行动中所拥有的知识。隐性知识和显性知识相对,是指那种我们知道但难以言述的知识。





But attempts to apply lean approaches to knowledge work have proved frustratingly difficult. Most in the business world believe that knowledge work does not lend itself to lean principles, because, unlike car assembly, it is not repetitive and can’t be unambiguously defined. Consider a bank officer deciding whether to make a loan, an engineer developing a new product, and a social worker ruling on whether a child’s environment is safe: In each instance the work involves expertise and judgment that depend heavily on tacit knowledge—knowledge locked inside the worker’s head.



本文节选自 Lean Knowledge Work

布拉德利·斯塔茨 (Bradley Staats) 、大卫·M·厄普顿 (David M. Upton) | 文

马冰仑 丨编辑 
